My Nighttime Shower Routine!
Hey Everyone,
I’m excited to announce that I’ve partnered with Jergens to show you how I’ve incorporated Jergens® Ultra Healing® Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer into my nighttime shower routine. This post has been sponsored by Jergens Skincare. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Life has definitely been crazy and busier this past month. From driving a 4-hour daily commute, to picking up and dropping off my son, cooking, cleaning, blogging, and styling, I always look forward to coming home, being alone, and taking a nice long shower!
I love the after-shower feeling of a “new skin.” I enjoy applying moisturizer; it’s a moment in the day when I can spend the time for myself. If you’re looking for a good product that leaves you feeling like a whole new woman, I recommend the Jergens® Ultra Healing® Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer. Get it today on Amazon!
Nothing more relaxing for a busy mom than a nice, long, and undisturbed shower. Amen! I enjoy using Jergens Ultra Healing because it caters to my dry skin and makes me feel amazing. The best part about Jergens Ultra Healing is the added benefits. My skin was visibly healthier after just one use.
Your girl struggles with really dry skin all year round, so finding a good product for my melanin has not been the easiest journey. One day, I was walking through the lotion aisle at my local retailer and I happened to see a whole section of Jergens Moisturizer products. I needed something that would help my dry skin, and then I saw Jergens Ultra Healing. I’ve truly loved it from the first use and noticed a huge change in my skin within 48hrs!
It leaves my skin feeling soft and visibly healthier and more luminous—even my husband has noticed a difference in my skin tone and texture. Within the first couple of days of use, I could feel how it nourishes and heals my extra dry skin. All because of the unique Hydralucence blend and vitamins C, E, & B5!
Jergens Ultra Healing even addressed my problem areas such as my heels, elbows, and knees; that’s major key. I used to have to apply more lotion to my skin multiple times a day until I started using Jergens Ultra Healing.
I wake up a lot happier and sleep even better now, knowing that I found something with long-lasting moisture for my beautifully soft melanin skin. Wow, I haven’t said that in years lol.
See you in my next blog!
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